About Us

Whenua Ora is a national engagement programme designed to promote primary sector career pathways for rangatahi Māori. Alongside our industry partners we aim to engage with rangatahi to showcase the variety of career options available in the primary sector.

We want to help you think about your future career aspirations, guide you in learning more about your options and ultimately to connect you with the appropriate education provider to ensure you realise your full potential – the options are endless!

We have a commitment to Māori succeeding as Māori therefore our goal is developing Māori agribusiness leaders of the future.

Our Programme

  • Uses rangatahi focused strategies to influence, motivate and support Māori into land-based study pathways and career opportunities.
  • Is built around strong industry engagement and partnerships with the current leaders in the sector.

Our Focus

  • Promote agribusiness innovation and opportunities for individual and collective wealth creation.
  • Excite and engage rangatahi to be future leaders in the primary sector.
  • Create a highly skilled workforce to support industry requirements.


  • Showcasing the primary sector as a career of choice for Māori.
  • Creating a skilled Māori workforce.
  • Growing Māori leadership in the primary sector.
  • Providing pathways for Māori into training and employment.
  • Māori success focus and approach.

Our Team

What we do:

Deliver rangatahi focused strategies to influence, motivate and support Māori into land-based study pathways and career opportunities.

We are targeting

1. Year 10 to Year 13 rangatahi students and programmes
2. Alternate Education Organisations
3. Second chance learners
4. NEET's
5. Community, whanau and marae

How will we do this:

1. Through secondary school engagement events, and field trips
2. National Road Show - Poutama Whenua events (Pathways to land) focus on showcasing
careers in the Primary sector pathways
3. Community events

Crystal Ellis

Snr Kaitoko Whenua
Central North Island

Ko Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha ōku iwi i te taha o tōku whaea
Ko Ngāi Tāmanuhiri te iwi o tōku matua
No Murihiku tōku turangawaewae
Ko Ariana rātou ko Anthony, ko Eli āku tamariki
Ko Te Iwi Ngaro Wairau tōku tuakana
Ko Crystal tōku ingoa
No reira tēnā tātou katoa

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Lesley Hooper-Simpson

Kaitoko Whenua
South Island

Ko Manaia te maunga 
Ko Pukekauri te awa 
Ko Mātaatua/- te waka 
Ko Rangiora te marae 
Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi i te taha o tōku whaea 
Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi o tōku matua 
Ko Stephen rātou ko Cullen, ko Nikita āku tamariki 
Ko Aaliyah rāua ko Hoani āku mokopuna 
Ko Lesley tōku ingoa

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David Hoani

Kaitoko Mahi
South Island

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
Ko Putauaki te maunga
Ko Te Oriini te Awa 
Ko Mātaatua te waka 
Ko Te Rangihouhiri II te Marae 
Ko John Robert Rangawhenua Hoani rātou ko Dianne Burke, ko Natalie Pohio Karaitiana ōku mātua
Kō David Hoani ahau

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Harrison Hunt

Snr Kaitoko Mahi

Ko Aoraki, ko Hikurangi, me Taranaki ōku Maunga
Ko Te Waiwhakaheketupapaku, ko Waiapu, me Waitara ōku Awa
Ko Takitimu, ko Horouta, me Aotea ōku Waka
Ko Ngati Moki, ko Hinepare, ko Owae ōku Marae
Ko Ngai Tahu, Ngāti Porou, me Te Āti Awa ōku Iwi
Ko Harrison Peter-Jay Arahina Hunt tōku ingoa

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Tuari Dawson


Ko Whangatauatia te Maunga
Ko Hōkianga te Moana
Ko TeRārawa te Hāpu
Ko Otakou me Tuahuriri nga Rūnanga
Ko Ngai Tahu, Ngā Puhi me Ngāti Hamoa ōku Iwi
Ko Tuāri Dawson tōku Ingoa

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Start your career journey here

Nau mai haere mai. If you are interested in a career in the primary sector then we want to talk with you. Register with Whenua Ora now and we will work with you to create the pathway to your future.

Whether its looking after the stock, developing the technology or running the business – there’s a job for you! At Whenua Ora your career aspirations are our priority – let us open the gateway to realising your full potential.

We offer guidance on study options, scholarships and the types of jobs you might want to consider. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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